Displaying 331 - 360 of 600 in total

Inquiring Awareness - Hogen Bays and Shinei Monial

Hogen Bays (Roshi) and Shinei Monial (Dharma Holder) Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/25/19

Closing Remarks for April Sesshin - Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder

Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/25/21

The Foundation is Not Nothing - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/24/19

Shining Without Hindrance - Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder

Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/23/19

Finding Lightness and Ease - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/22/19

Practice Only Happens Now - Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder

Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/21/19

Plunging Into the Yellow Springs - Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder

Shinei Monial, Dharma Holder Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/20/19

Inquiring Awareness Opening Talk - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Inquiring Awareness Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 4/19/21

Trillium Flowers and Wild Ivy - Myoyu Voekel, Novice Priest

Myoyu Voekel, Novice Priest Sunday Morning Program Great Vow Zen Monastery 04/18/21

Covering Our Lives With Sticky Notes - Soten Lynch, Dharma Holder

Soten Lynch, Dharma Holder Sunday Morning Program Great Vow Zen Monastery 04/11/21

Your Mind Is a Magician - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei Sunday Morning Program Great Vow Zen Monastery 04/04/21

To Realize the Place of Freedom - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Boundless Space Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 3/18/21

The Seven Ways to Listen - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei Boundless Space Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 03/19/21

Appreciating Beethoven's String Quartet No. 15 - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Boundless Space Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 3/18/21

The Contours of Silence - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei Boundless Space Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 03/17/21

The Ever-Flowing Now - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Boundless Space Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 3/16/21

Breathing the Sound of the Universe - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei Boundless Space Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 03/15/21

Listening To the Sounds and Rhythms of the World - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Boundless Space Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 3/14/21

Embodied Hearing - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei Boundless Space Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 03/13/21

Boundless Space Opening Talk - Hogen Bays, Roshi

Hogen Bays, Roshi Boundless Space Sesshin Great Vow Zen Monastery 3/12/21

What's the Point? - Kōshō Ault

Janet Kōshō Ault, Postulant Sunday Morning Program Great Vow Zen Monastery 03/07/21

Vast Inclusiveness - Kennyo Dunn, Novice Priest

Kennyo Dunn, Novice Priest Sunday Morning Program Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/28/21

Life Looking Back on Itself: Contemplating Our Dying

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei The Phoenix of True Nature Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/21/21

Sunlit, Moonlit Buddhas - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei The Phoenix of True Nature Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/19/21

Love and Death - Jogen Salzberg, Sensei

Jogen Salzberg, Sensei The Phoenix of True Nature Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/18/21

Sacred Ashes - Jogen Salzberg, Sensei

Jogen Salzberg, Sensei The Phoenix of True Nature Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/17/21

The Practice of Vanishing - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei The Phoenix of True Nature Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/16/21

The Phoenix of True Nature, Opening Talk - Kisei Costenbader, Sensei

Kisei Costenbader, Sensei The Phoenix of True Nature Sesshin 2021 Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/15/21

Each Falls in Its Own Place - Onshin Landry

Onshin Landry, Novice Priest Sunday Morning Program Great Vow Zen Monastery 02/14/21